
Although it may not be apparent to the average ear, pianos are constantly falling out of tune because of fluctuations in humidity. Whether it’s the positioning of the piano in your home or just changes in the weather, varying humidity levels can have simple—or dramatic—effects on your piano’s sound.

Every healthy piano should be tuned at least once or twice a year to maintain their beautiful sound and longevity. By using a combination of aural skills and the latest in electronic tuning technology, I can make sure that your instrument sounds pitch perfect!

Regulation and Maintenance

There are thousands of parts and mechanisms inside your piano that work together to make it sing — and while it may seem to be in good functioning condition, there are also many ways that these little components can become worn or misaligned over time. If these parts are not serviced regularly, your instrument may be performing at just a fraction of its full potential!

Regulation can dramatically improve everything from key weight and touch to the overall quality and consistency of sound. If you already plan on contacting me about tunings or evaluations, ask me about my regulation services as well!


Pre-Purchase Evaluations

Similarly to buying a car, investing in a piano can be a nerve-wracking process — but it doesn’t have to be!

If you are looking to purchase a used, new, or refurbished piano in the VA/DC area, ask me about scheduling an in-person inspection so we can make sure that your money is being spent on a well-functioning instrument.

Ready to schedule an appointment?